Secure Self Storage

Keep Cool with These Hot-Weather Moving Tips

Nobody wants to move in the heat of the summer, but sometimes, it can’t be avoided. Many people find themselves sweating their summer move, from kids being out of school and summer newlyweds moving into their first home to recent college graduates striking off on their own. While you can’t make it cooler, you can […]

5 Tips for Spring Cleaning

It’s that time of year again. The birds are chirping, the flowers are blossoming, the sun is shining—and your house is a mess. For all of the great things spring brings, it also comes with the unavoidable chore of spring cleaning. This year, make it less of a chore with these easy tips. Clean more […]

Repurposing Is the New Recycling

Whether you keep unused items stashed away in your home or are constantly throwing things out, chances are you’re missing an opportunity. The growing DIY trend and the eco-friendly recycling movement have merged to create ways to repurpose everyday household and broken items alike. Keep reading to discover new ways to turn your “trash” into […]

Norwalk: Connecticut’s Best-Kept Secret

If you count yourself among the lucky “nutmeggers” who live in Norwalk, CT, you may already know all the great things that make your hometown special. But if you’re new to town or have simply been missing out, take a look at all the things Norwalk has to offer. Life’s a beach! Norwalk’s beaches attract […]

3 Reasons to Downsize Your Possessions

The advent of a new year often brings with it resolutions to improve one’s life, whether it’s designating a “mantra” for the year or compiling a list. One area that could use some work: the amount of stuff you own. The idea of downsizing isn’t exactly the most exciting thing to most people. It conjures […]